Swiss Army Man
Swiss Army Man was released in 2016 and directed by Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, starring Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe. The movie follows the story of a man stuck on a deserted island who becomes friends with an animated semi-alive corpse. The story follows their bizzare journey while they try to make their way back to civilization.
The film's cinematography style is on the cutting edge in terms of the evolution of film, they use techniques like stop-motion animation, realistic effects, and surreal imagery, all while looking very real. The camera angles and framing seemed unconventional, which added to the feeling that the story was in a fever dream. The lighting and color choices play a big role in creating the feeling of loneliness on the island, which I think was calculated by the film makers.
The directors, Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, have a very unique style of storytelling that includes an ongoing sense of humor, surrealism, and hard emotional topics. The film makers push the boundaries of what our minds perceive as possible with their storytelling by showing us at the end that this story was credible. The film explores the human condition and the importance of connections, emphasizing that everyone has something valuable to offer, even if they feel useless or insignificant. Ultimately, Swiss Army Man is a story of how valuable friendship is while navigating life.
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