
 Fleabag is a British TV series created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, The show aired in 2016, but later gained more popularity in the U.S. on streaming services. The show follows the life of a young woman, played by Waller-Bridge, A.K.A. "Fleabag."

The cinematography in Fleabag is similar to a lot of the smaller production-value films that are critically acclaimed. They use techniques like close-ups and handheld cameras, which serve a show like this a lot because what it lacks in production value, it makes up for in technique. In my opinion, more notable techniques used in this show include the use of jump cuts, breaking the fourth wall, and unconventional camera angles. The jump cuts and camera angles add an element of chaos that keeps the audience on their feet. The show has a lot of edgy aspects in terms of cinematography, but this show is most known for its use of “breaking the fourth wall”. Breaking the fourth wall in this show happens when the main character, Fleabag turns her head to look directly into the camera and speaks to the audience in an omniscient way.

The meaning of the show is tied to grieving the loss of a friend and the impact that can have on one's life, both positive and negative. As they navigate through the main character's life, they show the state of turmoil she is in between her relationship with her family, and the nature of her dating life, all while using dark humor to relieve the audience of her pain. Ultimately, if i had to sum up the meaning and purpose of this show I would say it's to show that life can get messy and unexpected things can happen that alter the course of our lives, but these events are part of our journey to finding who we are.

This is an example of "Breaking the fourth wall".


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